If your beloved dog has been diagnosed with kidney disease, you must remember that their condition can’t actually be cured. This might sound like the situation is nothing but doom and gloom, but kidney disease in dogs is a chronic condition that can be managed to ensure that your dog can maintain their quality of life. What sort of management is needed?
The Importance of Nutrition
In early-stage kidney disease, your dog’s nutrition becomes crucial.…
The practice of pet desexing is beneficial for you, your dog and the community. In simple terms, when a canine is neutered, it does not display a lot of anti-social and aggressive behaviour. Bad habits include fighting and humping. Also, neutered dogs do not wander from home to search for a mate. Wandering can increase the risk of incidents like car accidents. In addition, your dog will not be vulnerable to diseases related to the reproductive organs.…
Your guinea pig’s teeth grow all the time. Your pet controls this growth and keeps its teeth at the right length by chewing and gnawing. If your pet has the right diet to do this, then their teeth should stay in good condition and at the right length.
So, you shouldn’t need to do anything with your pet’s teeth apart from making sure they eat the right mix of foods. Sometimes, however, you may need to get involved, say if your guinea pig breaks a tooth.…
It does not matter whether your dog is being neutered or is having invasive surgery to remove a tumour; the way you prepare for the surgery plays an integral part of recovery after it is complete. As a dog owner who has not had to deal with surgery before, you are concerned about whether you are prepared for this upcoming event. Here are three steps you can take to make sure your canine buddy is ready for their next visit to the vet’s office.…
If your dog needs to undergo surgery, you may be concerned about how they will recover after the operation. This article will provide you will all the information you need to know about caring for your pet post op.
Allow your dog to rest
Your dog may experience some pain and tiredness after an operation. In the days following the operation, you should allow your dog to rest as much as it needs to.…
Even people who aren’t that bothered by needles don’t really like having injections. So it’s not surprising that dogs can be terrified by the experience, when you can’t explain to them what’s going on and reassure them there’s nothing to worry about.
Some dogs are generally more nervous than others, whether it’s because of the way they’ve been treated by humans in the past or just their general temperament. With nervous dogs, vaccinations are particularly challenging, and owners dread that time of year when they’re due to see the vet.…
As a pet owner, are you aware that technology, especially your Smartphone can complement your association with your vet? Well, the potential is immense. Pets are similar to vehicles. You can take your car to the mechanic, and it refuses to exhibit that thing you previously kept on hearing, smelling or seeing. Through your Smartphone, you can capture that behaviour in a photo or video and show it to the veterinarian to explain your pet’s concerning issue when you visit the vet clinic.…
The vast majority of female dogs recover perfectly well from their spay procedure, but some will inevitably have complications. Some post-surgical health problems can be dealt with at home, and your veterinary surgeon will advise you on how to do this. However, others are more serious and require a visit to the emergency vet to solve. Here are 3 such complications to look out for when your beloved pooch comes home from being spayed:…
Any good dog owner will do anything and everything they can to preserve their dogs eyesight, especially when their dog reaches old age and becomes more vulnerable to various sight-depriving conditions such as cataracts. Many good dog owners will also immediately panic and take their dog to the vet when if they spot the slightest amount of cloudiness in their dog’s eyes – however, in many cases this clouding is not caused by true cataracts, but by a much less serious form of occlusion known as nuclear or lenticular sclerosis.…
Event horses are the ultimate all-round equine athletes, requiring fitness and endurance levels beyond most other competitive disciplines. Due to the strain placed on the non-elastic tendon tissues in the horse’s forelimbs, serious tendon strains are commonplace. This can mean a long layoff and the very real possibility that the horse’s career as an eventer will be over. However, revolutionary stem cell therapy techniques now offer hope to eventers with damaged tendons.…