How can your Smartphone camera enhance your visit to the vet clinic?

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As a pet owner, are you aware that technology, especially your Smartphone can complement your association with your vet? Well, the potential is immense. Pets are similar to vehicles. You can take your car to the mechanic, and it refuses to exhibit that thing you previously kept on hearing, smelling or seeing. Through your Smartphone, you can capture that behaviour in a photo or video and show it to the veterinarian to explain your pet's concerning issue when you visit the vet clinic. Here are a number of ways your Smartphone camera could prove useful for your pet:

Take a picture of that vomit or diarrhea

Vets actually care about the volume, colour, consistency and overall appearance of your dog's waste matter. Of course it's gross; however, you may be taken aback by what vets can see in the least smudge of waste or pool of vomit.

Capture sporadic problems

As mentioned previously, pets may act oddly at home and appear perfectly healthy in the vet clinic. Whether it is occasional coughing, periodic limping or a sound your pet makes when eating, capture that action with your camera for your vet to see and hear. A seizure is a typical example of a sporadic problem. Capturing one on your phone from start to the end can greatly help your vet. If possible, carry on filming until your pet comes back to normalcy.

Explaining pet behaviour problems

Previously, vet clinics relied on the interpretation of a pet owner concerning a particular pet behaviour problem. Reports were typically as follows, 'He poops everywhere,' 'He barks incessantly.'' She becomes sad when I leave the house.' Pet behaviour can best be understood by watching pets perform them in their typical settings thanks to Smartphone video technology.

Visualising normal behaviours like eating, sleeping and so on

Seeing a pet eat, sleep or do any normal things can be more beneficial than you imagine. Vets can decipher signs of old age, vision loss, oral issues and sleep disorders by watching pets eat, sleep or play in their typical environments.

Pictures are still important

Videos are extremely beneficial, but nothing compares to a perfect snap of a surgical site or a skin lesion for remote consultation. Sure, vets are often unwilling to make clinical judgements based on a single picture and will want to see your pet. However, sending a picture is useful in any case. In fact, it may help capture the progress of the skin lesion.
