Three Steps For A Happy Pet After Vet Surgery

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It does not matter whether your dog is being neutered or is having invasive surgery to remove a tumour; the way you prepare for the surgery plays an integral part of recovery after it is complete. As a dog owner who has not had to deal with surgery before, you are concerned about whether you are prepared for this upcoming event. Here are three steps you can take to make sure your canine buddy is ready for their next visit to the vet's office.

Be Informed

Information is power, so make sure you have a list of questions to ask your vet before the surgery takes place. Ask about whether your pet needs to be restrained after the event and for how long. Ask whether there are food restrictions. Ask if there is medication your pet needs to take. By having this knowledge, you can prepare an area to house your dog if necessary, or you can budget for the medication needed after the surgery takes place.

Once you are informed, you can prepare your pet for the big day.

Be Prepared

Preparation can be done once you have full information about the surgery. Some surgeries require a dog's stomach to be empty before the surgery takes place. This is called a fasted state. Your vet will tell you how long prior to surgery a dog needs to stop eating so their stomach is empty in time. If possible, ask for surgery as early as possible once the vet opens in the morning. That way, you can feed your dog their evening meal as normal and have the surgery done not long after they are expecting breakfast.

Additionally, if restricting a dog's movements is required once you take your pet home, you can prepare the space in advance for surgery day. Remember to make sure there is plenty of air in the restraint area, especially if surgery occurs in the heart of summer.

Be Calm

Finally, when surgery day rolls around, keep your anxious feelings to a minimum. Just like children, pets pick up on high emotions like anxiety and can mimic these feelings. It is best for your canine to be cool, calm and collected when they roll into the vet's office, so take a few deep breaths and put a happy smile on your face.

If you have any further concerns about your dog's vet surgery, call your vet's office with your list of questions as they are more than happy to put your mind at ease.
