Why Desexing Your Pets Makes Them Much Safer To Own

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Cats and dogs are two of the most popular types of pets across Australia, and at first glance, they do not seem to have much in common. They have very different temperaments and behaviours, as well as lifestyles and food requirements. However, in one respect, they are identical and that is that both are better off after having gone through a desexing procedure. While there are many benefits to the pets themselves, ranging from reducing disease to preventing unwanted pregnancies you couldn't legally keep, there are also many benefits to you, the owner. Here is how pet desexing makes your animals a lot safer to own.

No Aggravated Attacks Or Huge Mood Swings

Having the ability and urge to reproduce, and no way in which to use those natural feelings, can have a very negative effect on both cats and dogs. Dogs can get much more aggressive and territorial, while cats can have short tempers and more antisocial behaviour than usual. No one wants their pets to dislike them, but this problem can drive a massive wedge between owners and pets if you are not careful. This is especially bad if you have children who cannot read the signs that their pet is not in the mood to be played with.

Higher Chance Of Injury

Cats in particular are more likely to roam around the neighbourhood when not neutered, as they are looking for potential mates. Not only does this take away time that could be spent with you, but it also opens them up to other dangers. From larger predators like foxes to traffic incidents, if your pet is not desexed then all of these dangerous encounters are much more likely to happen due to the sheer amount of time spent outside by your cat. No one wants to have to take their pet to the vet for a serious injury, and these animals often can't help it when they get the urge to roam due to their natural instincts.

Fines And Potential Confiscation

In many states and territories of Australia, owning a non-desexed cat or dog is actually illegal or heavily regulated. If you are caught with one or take one to the vet later on in life and they report you, then you could open yourself up to legal action or potential confiscation of the animal. That is not something you want to deal with, and it is not a very pleasant experience for your animal either, so don't risk it; it is simply not worth the hassle. 
