Three Steps For A Happy Pet After Vet Surgery

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It does not matter whether your dog is being neutered or is having invasive surgery to remove a tumour; the way you prepare for the surgery plays an integral part of recovery after it is complete. As a dog owner who has not had to deal with surgery before, you are concerned about whether you are prepared for this upcoming event. Here are three steps you can take to make sure your canine buddy is ready for their next visit to the vet’s office.…

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Vet Advice: Caring For Your Dog After An Operation

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If your dog needs to undergo surgery, you may be concerned about how they will recover after the operation. This article will provide you will all the information you need to know about caring for your pet post op. Allow your dog to rest Your dog may experience some pain and tiredness after an operation. In the days following the operation, you should allow your dog to rest as much as it needs to.…

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Taking a Nervous Dog for a Vaccination Appointment at the Vet

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Even people who aren’t that bothered by needles don’t really like having injections. So it’s not surprising that dogs can be terrified by the experience, when you can’t explain to them what’s going on and reassure them there’s nothing to worry about. Some dogs are generally more nervous than others, whether it’s because of the way they’ve been treated by humans in the past or just their general temperament. With nervous dogs, vaccinations are particularly challenging, and owners dread that time of year when they’re due to see the vet.…

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